Fletcher-Hughes is a ballad pianist who has developed
his own particular style which has particular appeal to
his fans and those who are seeking music that creates a
sense of peace and tranquility in today's busy world.
Donald plays live at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle,
Western Australia. He previously played at the Colonial
Tea House from its opening until it closed in 2010.
Donald started playing piano as a 5 year old under the kind
direction of Sister Mary Francis at a country convent in Pinjarra, a small country town in Western Australia.
Frequently more interested in the ants on the way to
lessons than in the lessons themselves, Donald managed
nevertheless to keep up his studies until the age of 16
when his considerable talent as a tennis player and
teaching studies took over.
As an adult, Donald returned to the complex task of
learning music theory. In recent years with the help of
a gift from his wife of a magnificent Yahama baby grand
piano, Donald has developed a unique style.
His love of people and his soul connection with the
universe comes through his playing ... his greatest wish
being that those who listen to his music spend moments
of pure enjoyment with the great ballads and
inspirational music that he interprets "with love".